
 Hi! I’m Amyah and I am the creator, producer and designer of all stellar products. Everything is operated out of my bedroom and handmade by me. Stellar products are heavily focused on the y2k era and early 2000s with inspo from other decades as well. I wanted to create a brand that was not only ethical but fashionable for the environment. 



  • Amyah Millner

    Founder of Stellar Studio Co, is the creator, producer and designer of stellar products.

  • Shaena Snell

    Co-Designer of Stellar Studio Co, started out as a fashion model but has ventured out into designing.

  • Natalie Kayanirad

    Fashion Model of Stellar Studio Co, is a continuing model for the brand.

  • Luisa Laguisma

    Fashion Model of Stellar Studio Co, has been a continuing model for the brand.

  • Salome Goldberg

    Fashion Model of Stellar Studio Co, has been a continuing model for the brand.

  • Dylan Harloff

    Fashion Model of Stellar Studio Co, is a continuing model for the brand.

  • Allyssa Corpuz

    Fashion Model of Stellar Studio Co, is a continuting model for the brand.

  • Logan Roberston

    Fashion Model of Stellar Studio Co, is a continuing for the brand.

  • Kara Shannon

    Fashion Model of Stellar Studio Co, is a continuing model

  • Yazzie Chee

    Fashion Model of Stellar Studio Co, is a continuing for the brand.